Accelerated Math Pathways K-8

Students who are identified for gifted services in math will participate in both an accelerated and enriched math curriculum. The accelerated math services begin in 3rd grade. In each year, grades 3 through 6, the student will complete a year and a half of math curriculum. Students who participate will have an adjusted STAAR schedule for math.

3rd TAG Math
Content: All of 3rd & part of 4th
STAAR Assessment: 3rd STAAR

4th TAG Math
Content: Part of 4th & all of 5th
STAAR Assessment: 5th STAAR

Accelerated Math 1 TAG
Content: All of 6th & part of 7th
STAAR Assessment: 6th STAAR

Accelerated Math 2 TAG
Content: Part of 7th & all of 8th
STAAR Assessment: 8th STAAR

Algebra I TAG
Content: Algebra I
STAAR Assessment: Algebra End of Course Exam

Geometry TAG
Content: Geometry
STAAR Assessment: Current Grade Level STAAR


This instruction is delivered by a TAG Specialist or campus teacher who has completed required training in gifted education and is supported by the Aligned Round Rock Curriculum. 

The above chart shows the typical progression for gifted services in math through 8th grade. However, there are circumstances in which this might be altered. For example, a student who does not become identified for gifted services until the end 5th grade cannot jump into Accelerated Math 2 TAG because they would miss an entire year of 6th grade content. That student would take Accelerated Math 1 TAG in 6th grade, Accelerated Math 2 TAG in 7th, and Algebra 1 TAG in 8th. If the student wishes to enter the Accelerated Math 2 TAG course in 6th, they would need to pass the 6th grade Exam for Acceleration with a score of an 80 or higher to show mastery of 6th grade content. Additional information about these exams can be obtained from the campus counselor. 

Students who are not identified for gifted services can also choose an accelerated math path beginning in 6th grade by selecting Accelerated Math 1 at course selection. For those who want to accelerate beyond that can do so by taking the Exam for Acceleration for the desired grade to skip and scoring and 80 or higher. 

Math acceleration opportunities are an excellent option for many students. When making a decision to pursue acceleration, consider math abilities, student commitment, and long term course choices.

 TEA Above Grade Flow Chart